Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Cancelled Limit Order

Yesterday we got a bullish spike, as I like to call it, and the market registered a correction:

Still, the correction seems contained - about 13 points. As stated before this kind of correction has not been out of the ordinary during up moves recently. If it gets bigger I will lighten up and cover.


tellzhang said...

Thanks for update.

From current view, I think we may see a rally tomorrow?

Tony (tellzhang)

Adrn said...

quite possible, Tony

Anonymous said...

Compare with $CPC,$CPCI and $CPCE.
I found $CPCE represents the dumb money (retail traders) and $CPCI also OEX put/call ratio represents the big boys...A lot of big bullish spike or within that area in $CPCE leads sell off (like yesterday)...but bearish spike like today indicated possible reversal rally tomorrow. I am still learning the put/call ratio stuff from chart and your blog, and I would like to thank you for your replies and your blog to share this important information to me.


Adrn said...

I am glad you can benefit from this blog

a development that ususally gives me an edge is the divergence between the movements of the ratio and the market. just like tuesday.